
Beginning Of Your Best Decade: By Sahil Khanna
04 May,2021 Hey,Do you remember 1st January 2010, how old were you and what exactly you were doing at this moment , I am sure a lot must have changed over the last decade, I remember entering the previous decade at 23 trying to establish my feet by taking baby steps in setting up Genesis Educates, & today as we enter into the next one I feel a lot has changed but a lot hasn’t.
Obviously biggest change is technology which has completely overtaken over lives with everything around us in our mobiles, the high internet speed has been a true revolution .
But one thing which has stood as a test of time is The Happiness Quotient -:
Imagine after having a very tough day in your school when you come back home who do you vent out your irritation upon , well mostly it is your mothers or on some occasions our younger sibling ( if you are lucky to have one , I was lucky enough) or probably on your bestie you can call it beastie & imagine someone telling you to smile in those moments or probably enjoy as life is good , we feel so so irritated .
There are so many moments like this in our lives when we are not happy & simple when we aren’t we cant make people around us happy which brings me to a very important point of spreading happiness, we can only spread happiness when we are feeling at the top of our game ( life ) & at times we can even cheer them up in their lows .
I clearly remember the days when I am on fire in my classroom & most of the students are so damn happy & cheerful even after a 1.5 hours class . But there are few days (though rarely) where I am not in right spirits where I don’t feel like coming to the classroom and deliver & those lectures are far far away from my best ones.
Poor students talk among themselves –Aaj Sir ka mood acha nahi h , so which brings me to a very interesting agenda – How important is to charge yourself ? You might be wondering Charging yourself: p Don’t visualize attaching yourself to a switch through a wire and charging, what I mean to say is doing things which gives you happiness obviously which are right for you in a long term & above all not comparing your life with someone else. Playing PUBG gives you happiness but if you let it go uncontrolled your career is at stake .
Everyone of us feels great after doing certain things, for me its inspiring teens to do Great , reading books and spending quality time with my friends & family so when I am constantly doing all of these things I feel elevated in life and I’m in a new Energy zone but on some occasions when I am not doing enough of these things I feel bored , stressed & un intentionally I start comparing my life with others & when those comparisons are with people like Mark Zuckerberg , Tesla , other greats make me feel inferior & that’s where that annoyance seeps in and kills the day , for you it could be scoring less marks ,not getting enough likes or comments on your social media posts , not having an I-phone, that ideal body weight, pressure of regular exams , seeing your friends going for that holiday and so on on……so how do I cope up when I have these kind of self damaging thoughts ; simple , I count my blessings J .
I strongly believe there are 2 kinds of things in life
1. Things which you can’t control –You can’t control things which I mentioned in the above paragraph)
2. Things which you can control – Getting up early, studying regularly in a disciplined way(not using mobiles side by side) not reacting to people who bully you ,not listening to people who don’t trust you , reading stuff which gives you happiness , being honest with your self & not comparing with anyone etc etc.
A lot of people are not happy because they are focusing on things which they can’t control and in the process they don’t focus on things which they can control and loose control upon their lives.
(I suggest you to read the above at least 2 times)
So which brings me to the conclusion , always remember there will be someone out there who will be better than you in some respect so attaching your lives to external comparisons wont make you feel good and then you enter a vicious cycle , you don’t feel good , good things don’t happen to you , you feel worse , worse happens to you and it never ends till the time you decide to say Enough and start taking control of your life .
This New year choose to be happy and take good control of your life , build a right attitude & above all always Smile .Let the magic begin .